Zoom Room Security Guide
Below are quick and easy instructions on how to secure a Zoom Meeting in the event of an unwanted guest (aka Zoom-bomber) gaining access to the meeting. While this isn’t a common occurrence, it’s good to be prepared because it can happen when you least expect it and a quick response will allow you to shut down their unwanted activities swiftly to ensure the safety of your group.
Step 1:
Make sure you’re signed into the meeting as HOST or CO-HOST to ensure you have access to the Security icon on the screen (see image below). You will only see this icon if you are signed on as the HOST or CO-HOST.
Mac users display
PC users display
Step 2:
Click the Shield icon (may be listed as Security for Mac users or Host Tools for PC users) and find the option labeled in red and click ‘Suspect Participant Activities’.
Mac users display
PC users display
Step 3:
Once you’ve done Step 2 above, it will completely disable all video and microphone functionality for everyone in the meeting…however, you will still have the ability to control your own video and microphone. At this point, you can locate the individual(s) you’d like to remove from the meeting and send them back to the Waiting Room.
Note: The giveaway for Zoom-bombers is that they’ll often be trying to raise their hand over and over again…they will show up at the top of the participant list. These are likely the individuals you’ll want to remove from the meeting and next kick out of the Zoom room.
Step 4:
Once you’ve sent the unwanted participant(s) to the Waiting Room, find the 3 dots by their username and remove them from the meeting.
Step 5:
After you’ve removed the unwanted participant(s) - you can go back to the Shield icon and start to re-enable video and microphone controls for the rest of your attendees.
As an extra layer of security (if the unwanted guests try to log back into the Waiting Room), it’s strongly advised you consider “Lock the Zoom Meeting” down and preventing anyone else from logging into the meeting. To do this you’ll want to go to Shield icon and then select “Lock Meeting” option at the top of the menu.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please email the Web Admin at webmaster@slaa-seattle.org