How to Create a QR Code for Your Group

Here’s a quick and easy tutorial on how to create a QR code to receive donations at meetings:

  1. Figure out what link you’d like to use for payment. Venmo and PayPal often create their own direct QR codes linked directly to your account, but if for some reason they don’t or you have a different payment link you’d like to use - go ahead and get that URL link ready.

  2. Visit AdobeExpress - they offer a FREE QR code generator that lasts forever and doesn’t require payment:

  3. Follow the steps on AdobeExpress to creating your own QR code. It’s a fairly simple process and in the end you’ll have scalable PNG image file you can print out.

  4. Save the PNG file to your device and then decide how you want to print or have the QR code available to scan.

  5. You’re done.

When you’re all done you should have something similar to the image below that we use for the Puget Sound Intergroup. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to us: