Seattle Area Meetings

Special Events

3/29 Speaker Meeting Cancelled in March

4/26 - Teana S.
5/31 - Niko P.

(SLAA Speaker Meetings always fall on the last Saturday of the Month at 7:00 PM)

Announcing the literature sale!

The intergroup is placing our SLAA literature inventory on sale. Almost everything is 50% off. Visit the Literature page to place an order for your meeting.

New to SLAA? Go here for additional information.

Below are lists of meetings by category.

  • Click the (+) symbol to expand each section for details.

  • Click the meeting name to view the full details about the meeting.

All meetings are LGBTQ friendly and Co-ed unless specifically marked.

Key to meeting descriptions:

  • (o) Open - Meeting open to those interested in the SLAA program of recovery

  • (c) Closed - Meeting open only to those who desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction

  • (hy) Hybrid - Meetings that are both online and in-person.

  • Note: All meeting times are in Pacific Time

To update information for a meeting please send an email to